Sculpt Beauty introduce The Sculpt Beauty Artists Agency, an agency to look after, mentor and grow LMI graduates into successful make-up artists. Now you can train at LMI and be part of their agency representing the Award Winning Make-up brand! “Many make-up artists, after training do not know how to pursue a career in this industry, its not for the faint hearted. Also we have found from graduate feedback that it’s not always easy to find work. A profession as a Make-up Artist has become more and more popular and therefore the competition has become fierce, we have set up this agency to ensure that our graduate are not only well represented but we also intend to mentor them, offer them great jobs and continue to support them in their line of work….” Says Uzma Yakoob, founder of Sculpt Beauty. The courses at LMI are challenging and intense but they are known to produce the best Make-up Artists in the industry.